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5 Facts About the Maltese Dog We Guarantee You'll Love

The Maltese dogs are a gorgeous toy breed that everyone has come to know and love. 

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They are white, fluffy, tiny, and perfectly adorable. 

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They are also among the cuddliest and most well-behaved dogs in the world.

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Here are 5 facts about the Maltese dog we guarantee you will love!  

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The Maltese Dog is an Ancient Breed 

Fact # 1

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The Maltese Dog Is A Hypoallergenic Breed 

Fact # 2

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The Maltese Dog Is Perfect As A Therapy Pet 

Fact # 3

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The Maltese Dog are crossed with various other purebreds to create amazing new breeds 

Fact # 4

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The Maltese are currently among the very few pure white dog breeds that exist in the world. 

Fact # 5