Bake Holiday Cookies With Your Puppy This Christmas

Baking cookies for your puppy is a fun way to spend time with your furry friend and give them some extra attention this holiday season.

Whether you’re throwing a holiday party for friends,

or just staying in for the night, these festive treats are sure to get tails wagging and mouths watering.

It’s important to remember that not all dogs are able to tolerate sugar in the amounts found in cookies,

so if you’re concerned about how much sugar your dog should be consuming, 

try making them with less sugar or use natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead.

Remember though, if you change up the recipe to fit your needs, remember that you need to make sure your pup is still getting the same nutrition from his or her food.

 It’s important that there is still enough protein, fat and fiber in their diet so they get everything they need without gaining weight.