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Pup Not Feeling Well
July 6, 2016, 9:31 AM- Q: This this the 3rd day with my teacup yorkie. He has been doing great with his feedings, has not had any loose stools, and has been happy and playful. He went for his first well check at the vet yesterday and they said he was perfectly healthy. This morning he took a few licks of his food and then was not interested, he has been laying around all morning, had a looser stool than normal and has been shaking a little. I gave him some Karo Syrup. Is there anything else I need to do?
- A: There is some additional information I will need to try to help you. I will try to call the number listed on your account. If there is another number that I should try you can send it through the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the homepage.