KHAL's Details
Age | 2 years, 3 months old |
Birth Date | 11/26/2022 |
Gender | Male |
Puppy Weight | 6lb 2oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 32-50 lbs |
Mom |
Portuguese Water Dog 32.7 lbs |
Dad |
Portuguese Water Dog 51.2 lbs |
Portuguese Water Dog Insights
Portuguese Water Dog vs Mini Portidoodle Comparison
Poochon vs Shih Poo Comparison
If you love small doodle breeds and want to add a fluffy and cute puppy to your family, we have just the right candidates. Meet the Poochon and Shih Poo designer doodles....
Hypoallergenic Puppies
Allergies to dogs are a common thing around the world. As of 2021, it’s been reported that up to 20% of the world’s population suffers from pet-related allergies. Allergies to animals, especially to dogs, are triggered when the proteins that are...
How To Crate Train A Puppy
Crate training can be a lifesaver for both you and your puppy, not to mention your house. It can provide a safe space, a sanctuary for your puppy to rest and sleep, as well as a place for them to retreat to when they need a break...