JEDI's Details
Age | 10 months, 19 days old |
Birth Date | 5/10/2024 |
Gender | Male |
Puppy Weight | 9lb 15oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 30-50 lbs |
Mom |
Bernese 61.0 lbs |
Dad |
Poodle 17.0 lbs |
Mini Bernedoodle Insights
Mini Bernedoodle vs Mini Portidoodle Comparison
The Mini Bernedoodle and Mini Portidoodle have an abundance of desirable qualities as well as some differences in personality, looks, and energy levels. Read on to learn more about them and find the puppy breed that fits your lifestyle best.
Mini Bernedoodle vs Mini Sheepadoodle Comparison
America loves doodle dogs and so do we. Doodle dogs are crossbreeds of two (or more) purebred dogs, one of which is always a Poodle. These dogs are favored for their hypoallergenic status, unique and fashionable looks, big brains, and affable personalities. At...
Unbelievable Tales of Dogs Stealing the Spotlight and Our Hearts!
Dogs are truly amazing, aren't they? They wag their tails, give us those puppy eyes, and make our days brighter. But did you know that dogs are not just our furry friends?
They play a big...
Doodle Dogs Explained – Part 2
In Part 1 of Doodle Breeds Explained, we discussed what Doodle Breeds are and why they are as popular as they are. We also answered a few questions about the...