Theodore's Details
Age | 4 years, 5 months old |
Birth Date | 9/28/2020 |
Gender | Male |
Puppy Weight | 5lb 13oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 20-35 lbs |
Mom |
Mini Goldendoodle 37.5 lbs |
Mini Goldendoodle Insights
Mini Goldendoodle vs Mini Bernedoodle Comparison
Mini Goldendoodles and the Mini Bernedoodles are fun-loving, playful, and friendly dogs. They are excellent companion pets for families, couples, singles, and seniors. Both share their love for nature and adventures and they are both cuddly and affectionate. Although...
Mini Goldendoodle vs Mini Sheepadoodle Comparison
In the past few years, doodle dogs have become increasingly popular, especially the small ones like Mini and Micro doodles. As of 2020 and still going strong in 2021, doodles, or poodle mixes, have become more sought-after than any other dog breed – purebred or...
Hypoallergenic Puppies
Allergies to dogs are a common thing around the world. As of 2021, it’s been reported that up to 20% of the world’s population suffers from pet-related allergies. Allergies to animals, especially to dogs, are triggered when the proteins that are...
Poodle Mixes 101: An Introduction To Doodles
Poodle mixes, or doodles as some endearingly call them, are crossbreeds between a purebred Poodle and another purebred dog from a different breed. To give a few examples, Goldendoodles, Cavapoos, and Poochons are all Poodles mixes....