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Maltipoo Grooming Guide for Beginners

Maltipoo Grooming 101: A Beginner's Guide with Expert Tips
Published Friday, July 19, 2024 by Elena R.

With their unique blend of Maltese and Poodle coats, Maltipoos require a specific grooming routine to maintain their soft, curly fur. Regular grooming helps prevent matting, reduces the risk of skin infections, and ensures your little furry friend stays comfortable and happy. In this beginner’s guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about Maltipoo grooming, from the essential tools to use, to step-by-step instructions for maintaining their coat at home. Our expert tips and techniques will help you achieve a flawless grooming routine that will keep your pup looking and feeling their best.

 Understanding the Maltipoo Coat 

image of three Maltipoo dogs side by side. One Maltipoo has straight hair, another has wavy hair, and the third has curly hair

The Maltipoo dog boasts a unique and versatile coat that combines the best attributes of both parent breeds. Their coats can range from soft and silky to curly and dense, offering a variety of grooming challenges and opportunities. 

Types of Maltipoo Coats 

  • Silky and Straight: This coat type, more reminiscent of the Maltese parent, is typically straight or slightly wavy. It's known for its fine texture and smooth appearance, making it relatively easy to maintain. Regular brushing and occasional trims keep this coat type looking its best. 
  • Curly and Dense: Inheriting more from the Poodle side, this coat type is curly and thick, providing a fluffy and voluminous look. While visually appealing, the curly Maltipoo coat is prone to matting if not groomed regularly. This coat type requires frequent brushing and specific grooming techniques to prevent tangles and maintain its luscious appearance. 
  • Wavy: The wavy coat is a balanced mix of both Maltese and Poodle traits. It combines the softness of the Maltese with the slight curl of the Poodle, offering a moderately easy-to-maintain coat that still requires regular brushing and occasional trims to keep it in top condition. 

Why Regular Grooming is Essential 

Here are some key reasons why consistent grooming is essential: 

  • Preventing Matting: Maltipoos are prone to matting, especially in areas where friction is common, such as behind the ears, under the legs, and around the neck. Matting can be uncomfortable and even painful for your dog, leading to skin irritation and infections if left untreated. 
  • Removing Dirt and Debris: Regular brushing helps remove dirt, debris, and loose hair from your Maltipoo's coat, keeping it clean and reducing the likelihood of skin issues. 
  • Distributing Natural Oils: Brushing helps distribute the natural oils produced by your dog's skin throughout the coat. This not only keeps the coat shiny and healthy but also nourishes the skin. 
  • Health Checks: Grooming sessions are an excellent opportunity to check for any unusual lumps, bumps, or signs of parasites like fleas and ticks. Early detection of these issues can lead to prompt treatment and better health outcomes. 
  • Bonding Time: Grooming provides a wonderful opportunity to bond with your Maltipoo. Regular handling and gentle grooming can help your dog become more comfortable with being touched, which is beneficial for vet visits and other interactions. 

RELATED: Do Maltipoos Shed? 

Expert Tips for Managing Different Maltipoo Coat Types 

image of a small and curly Maltipoo being brushed. The scene shows the Maltipoo sitting calmly while a person gently brushes its coat

Silky and Straight Coats 

For Maltipoos with silky and straight coats, use a pin brush or a slicker brush to keep the hair smooth and free of tangles. A monthly bath with a gentle dog shampoo will help maintain the coat’s cleanliness and shine. Trim the hair every few months to keep it looking neat and manageable. 

Curly and Dense Coats 

Curly and dense coats require more intensive care. Use a slicker brush daily to prevent matting and tangling. Regular baths, every three to four weeks, are recommended to keep the coat clean and manageable. Professional grooming every six to eight weeks can help maintain the desired shape and length, ensuring your Maltipoo's coat stays healthy and attractive. 

Wavy Coats 

Wavy coats need regular brushing, at least three times a week, to keep them free of tangles. A combination of a slicker brush and a comb works best for this coat type. Bathe your Maltipoo every four to six weeks and trim the hair every couple of months to maintain a tidy appearance. 

RELATED: Complete Guide to All Maltipoo Colors 

Choosing the Right Products for Maltipoo Grooming 

image of a small Maltipoo sitting in a shopping cart filled with grooming tools and supplies for dogs

Using the right grooming products is crucial for maintaining a healthy coat. Here are some recommendations: 

Essential Grooming Tools 

Grooming your Maltipoo at home can be a rewarding experience, but it requires the right tools to ensure the process is smooth, safe, and effective.  

Brushes and Combs 

  • Slicker Brush: A slicker brush is a must-have for Maltipoos, especially those with curly or dense coats. It features fine, short wires close together on a flat surface, ideal for removing tangles, loose hair, and dirt. Regular use of a slicker brush helps prevent matting and keeps the coat smooth and clean. 
  • Pin Brush: This brush is best suited for Maltipoos with silky or wavy coats. The pin brush, with its widely spaced pins, is gentle on the fur and excellent for detangling and maintaining the coat’s texture without causing breakage. 
  • Metal Comb: A metal comb with both wide and narrow teeth is perfect for addressing stubborn tangles and ensuring the coat is completely free of mats. The wider teeth help detangle larger areas, while the narrow teeth are useful for finer detailing, especially around the face and ears. 

Clippers and Scissors 

  • Electric Clippers: High-quality electric clippers are essential for trimming your Maltipoo’s body hair. Look for clippers with adjustable blade lengths to customize the trim according to your dog’s coat type and the desired style. Clippers are especially useful for giving popular cuts like the puppy cut or summer cut. 
  • Curved Scissors: These scissors are designed for precision and safety, making them ideal for trimming sensitive areas such as around the eyes, paws, and genitals. The curved blades offer better control and reduce the risk of accidental nicks. 
  • Thinning Shears: Thinning shears are useful for blending different lengths of hair and thinning out thick areas to give a more natural look. They are particularly helpful in managing dense, curly coats, ensuring an even and professional finish. 

Additional Tools 

  • Nail Trimmers: Keeping your Maltipoo’s nails trimmed is crucial for their comfort and health. Choose between guillotine-style clippers or a nail grinder. Both tools can effectively trim nails, but grinders are often preferred for their precision and safety, as they reduce the risk of cutting too close to the quick. 
  • Styptic Powder: Accidents can happen, and styptic powder is essential for stopping bleeding quickly if a nail is accidentally clipped too short. It’s a vital first-aid supply to have on hand during nail trimming sessions. 
  • Pet Wipes: Pet wipes are convenient for quick clean-ups and for maintaining hygiene between baths. They are gentle on your Maltipoo’s skin and coat, perfect for cleaning the face, paws, and other areas without needing a full bath. 
  • Shampoo and Conditioner: Use a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner specifically formulated for dogs. Products with natural ingredients, such as oatmeal or aloe vera, help maintain your Maltipoo’s coat health and shine while being gentle on their skin. 
  • Ear Cleaner: Maltipoos are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears. Regular cleaning with a dog-specific ear cleaning solution helps prevent infections by removing wax and debris. Choose a product that is gentle and effective to ensure your Maltipoo’s ears stay healthy. 
  • Dog Toothpaste and Toothbrush: Dental hygiene is often overlooked but is crucial for your Maltipoo’s overall health. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste designed for dogs to prevent dental issues and keep your dog’s breath fresh. Regular brushing helps prevent plaque buildup and maintains healthy gums. 
  • Detangling Sprays: These sprays are particularly useful for Maltipoos with curly or wavy coats. They help to loosen knots and make brushing easier, reducing breakage and keeping the coat looking smooth and well-maintained. 

RELATED: Are Maltipoos Hypoallergenic? 

Daily Grooming Routine 

 image of a small Maltipoo in a home grooming session. The dog is relaxed and happy, sitting on a grooming table

Maintaining a daily grooming routine for your Maltipoo is essential for keeping their coat healthy, tangle-free, and looking its best. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you establish an effective daily grooming routine. 

Brushing the Coat 

Regular brushing helps prevent mats and tangles, removes dirt and debris, and distributes natural oils that keep the coat shiny and healthy. 

How to Do It: 

  • Choose the Right Brush: Use a slicker brush for curly and dense coats or a pin brush for silky and wavy coats. A metal comb can help with stubborn tangles. 
  • Start at the Feet: Begin brushing at the feet and move upwards towards the head. This ensures you don’t miss any areas and helps untangle knots without causing discomfort. 
  • Be Gentle: Use gentle strokes to avoid pulling on the hair. Hold the base of the tangle to minimize pulling on the skin. 
  • Focus on Problem Areas: Pay extra attention to areas prone to matting, such as behind the ears, under the legs, and around the neck. 

Checking for Mats and Tangles 

Mats can form quickly, especially in curly or wavy coats, leading to discomfort and skin issues. 

How to Do It: 

  • Daily Inspection: During your brushing session, use your fingers to feel for any mats or tangles. Gently work them out with the brush or comb. 
  • Use Detangling Spray: If you encounter a stubborn mat, a detangling spray can help loosen it. Apply the spray and gently work through the mat with a comb. 

Cleaning the Eyes and Ears 

Regular cleaning prevents tear stains and reduces the risk of ear infections, which are common in Maltipoos due to their floppy ears. 

How to Do It: 

  • Wipe the Eyes: Use a damp cloth or pet wipe to clean the area around the eyes to remove any discharge that can cause tear stains. Do this twice daily if your Maltipoo is prone to tear stains. 
  • Check the Ears: Examine the ears for signs of redness, bad odor, or excessive wax. Clean the ears with a cotton ball moistened with a dog-specific ear cleaning solution. Avoid using cotton swabs inside the ear canal to prevent injury. 

Dental Hygiene 

Regular brushing prevents dental problems such as plaque buildup, gingivitis, and bad breath. 

How to Do It: 

  • Brush Daily: Use a toothbrush and toothpaste designed for dogs. Gently brush your Maltipoo’s teeth in a circular motion, focusing on the gum line. 
  • Chew Toys and Treats: Provide dental chews and toys that help clean the teeth and gums. These can complement daily brushing and reduce plaque buildup. 

Paw Care 

Keeping the paws clean and trimmed prevents discomfort and potential infections. 

How to Do It: 

  • Inspect the Paws: Check the paws for any foreign objects, cuts, or signs of irritation. Clean the paws with a damp cloth if necessary. 
  • Trim the Hair: If the hair between the paw pads grows too long, it can collect dirt and debris. Use curved scissors to carefully trim this hair. 

Skin and Coat Inspection 

Regular inspection helps detect any skin issues, lumps, or parasites early. 

How to Do It: 

  • Feel for Lumps and Bumps: Run your hands over your Maltipoo’s body to check for any unusual lumps or bumps. Consult your vet if you find anything suspicious. 
  • Look for Parasites: Check for signs of fleas and ticks, such as small black specks (flea dirt) or the presence of ticks. Use appropriate treatments if you find any parasites. 

RELATED: 20 Pros and Cons of Owning a Maltipoo 

Bathing Your Maltipoo 

image of a small Maltipoo in a bathtub getting a bath. The dog looks happy and content, with bubbles and water around it

Bathing your Maltipoo is a crucial aspect of their grooming routine. Regular baths help keep their coat clean, remove dirt and debris, and maintain skin health. While the frequency of baths can vary based on your Maltipoo's activity level and coat type, a monthly bath is generally recommended. Overbathing can strip the coat of natural oils, so finding a balance is key. 

Choosing the Right Shampoo for your Maltipoo 

Selecting the appropriate shampoo is vital for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. Here are some tips for choosing the right products: 

  • Hypoallergenic Shampoos: Maltipoos have sensitive skin, so opt for hypoallergenic shampoos that are free from harsh chemicals and fragrances. 
  • Natural Ingredients: Shampoos with natural ingredients like oatmeal, aloe vera, and chamomile are gentle and soothing on the skin. 
  • Conditioners: Using a conditioner can help keep the coat soft and tangle-free. Look for conditioners designed for dogs with curly or wavy hair. 

Step-by-Step Bathing Process 


  • Gather Supplies: Have all your supplies ready, including shampoo, conditioner, towels, and a non-slip mat. 
  • Brush Before Bathing: Brush your Maltipoo’s coat to remove any tangles or mats. This makes the bathing process easier and more effective. 

Setting Up the Bath 

  • Temperature Check: Fill the tub or sink with lukewarm water. Ensure the water is not too hot or too cold. 
  • Non-Slip Surface: Place a non-slip mat in the tub to prevent your Maltipoo from slipping and feeling insecure. 

Wetting the Coat 

  • Avoid the Head Initially: Start wetting the coat from the neck down to the tail. Use a handheld sprayer or a cup to gently pour water over the body. 
  • Protect the Eyes and Ears: Be careful not to get water into the eyes and ears. Use a damp cloth to clean the face if necessary. 

Applying Shampoo 

  • Lather Evenly: Apply a small amount of shampoo to the coat and work it into a lather. Massage gently to clean the skin and fur thoroughly. 
  • Focus on Problem Areas: Pay extra attention to areas that tend to get dirtier, such as the paws, underbelly, and rear end. 


  • Rinse Completely: Ensure all the shampoo is rinsed out of the coat. Any leftover shampoo can cause skin irritation. 
  • Check with Your Fingers: Run your fingers through the coat to make sure all the shampoo has been washed away. 

Conditioning (If needed) 

  • Apply Conditioner: After rinsing out the shampoo, apply conditioner to the coat. Leave it on for the recommended time before rinsing thoroughly. 
  • Final Rinse: Make sure all the conditioner is rinsed out to avoid leaving any residue on the coat. 

Drying the Coat 

  • Towel Dry: Gently towel dry your Maltipoo, being careful not to rub the coat too vigorously, as this can cause tangling. 
  • Blow Dry: Use a blow dryer on a cool setting to dry the coat. Keep the dryer moving to avoid concentrating heat on one spot, and brush the coat as you dry to prevent mats. 

Post-Bath Brushing 

  • Brush Thoroughly: Once the coat is dry, give it a final brush to ensure it’s free of tangles and mats. 
  • Use a Detangler Spray: If needed, use a detangler spray to make brushing easier and more effective. 

RELATED: Grooming your Dog at Home Guide 

Popular Maltipoo Haircuts 

 image of four Maltipoos side by side, each with a different haircut. One Maltipoo has a puppy cut, another has a summer cut

Here are some of the most popular Maltipoo haircuts, each with its unique style and benefits. 

Puppy Cut 

Description: The Puppy Cut is a classic and one of the most popular haircuts for Maltipoos. It involves trimming the coat to a uniform length all over the body, typically between 1-2 inches. 


  • Easy Maintenance: The short length makes it easy to brush and reduces the chances of matting. 
  • Adorable Appearance: This cut gives your Maltipoo a cute, youthful look. 
  • Versatility: Suitable for all seasons, as it can be kept slightly longer in winter and shorter in summer. 

How to Achieve It: 

  • Tools Needed: Electric clippers with adjustable blades, curved scissors for detailed trimming, and a slicker brush. 
  • Process: Use the clippers to trim the coat evenly, then use the scissors to tidy up the face, paws, and any other areas needing a neat finish. 

Teddy Bear Cut 

Description: The Teddy Bear Cut is designed to make your Maltipoo look like a plush toy. The body hair is kept at a moderate length, while the hair on the face is rounded to give a teddy bear-like appearance. 


  • Cuteness Factor: This cut enhances the Maltipoo’s natural cuteness, making them look even more adorable. 
  • Comfortable: Keeps your dog comfortable by not being too short or too long. 
  • Easy to Maintain: Regular brushing keeps the coat looking fluffy and neat. 

How to Achieve It: 

  • Tools Needed: Clippers, curved scissors, and a slicker brush. 
  • Process: Trim the body hair to a uniform length (usually 1-2 inches). Shape the hair around the face using curved scissors to achieve a rounded, teddy bear-like look. 

Lamb Cut 

Description: The Lamb Cut involves shaving the body short while leaving the hair on the legs longer and fluffier, creating a lamb-like appearance. 


  • Distinctive Look: This cut gives your Maltipoo a unique and stylish appearance. 
  • Cooler Body: The shorter body hair helps keep your dog cool during warmer months. 
  • Easy Maintenance: The shorter body hair requires less frequent brushing. 

How to Achieve It: 

  • Tools Needed: Clippers for the body, curved scissors for the legs, and a slicker brush. 
  • Process: Use the clippers to shave the body short, then use the scissors to trim the legs, leaving them longer and fluffy. 

Summer Cut 

Description: The Summer Cut is designed to keep your Maltipoo cool in hot weather. The hair is cut very short all over the body, making it a low-maintenance style. 


  • Heat Relief: Keeps your Maltipoo cool and comfortable during the summer months. 
  • Low Maintenance: The short length means less frequent brushing and easier upkeep. 
  • Reduced Matting: Less hair reduces the likelihood of tangles and mats. 

How to Achieve It: 

  • Tools Needed: Electric clippers with a short blade guard and a slicker brush. 
  • Process: Trim the entire coat to a short length, ensuring even coverage. Be cautious around sensitive areas like the face and paws. 

Curled Poodle Cut 

Description: The Curled Poodle Cut embraces the Poodle heritage of the Maltipoo, keeping the body hair longer and styled into defined curls. 


  • Elegant Appearance: This cut showcases the natural curls of the coat, giving your Maltipoo a sophisticated look. 
  • Warmth: The longer hair provides extra warmth in colder weather. 
  • Stylish: Ideal for showcasing in dog shows or special occasions. 

How to Achieve It: 

  • Tools Needed: Curved scissors, thinning shears, and a slicker brush. 
  • Process: Trim the body hair to a uniform length, then style the curls with scissors and shears to enhance their natural shape. 

Town and Country Cut 

Description: This haircut is popular for both Maltipoos and Maltese dogs. It involves trimming the hair on the head, face, and legs, while leaving the rest of the body at a longer length. 


  • Stylish Look: Provides a chic and polished appearance. 
  • Versatility: Can be adjusted seasonally by varying the length of the body hair. 
  • Easy Face Maintenance: Shorter hair on the face reduces the risk of tear stains and makes it easier to clean. 

How to Achieve It: 

  • Tools Needed: Clippers, curved scissors, and a slicker brush. 
  • Process: Trim the body hair to the desired length, then carefully trim the hair on the head, face, and legs to create a balanced and stylish look. 

RELATED: The Forever Young and Sweet Maltipoo 

Seasonal Grooming Tips 

 image of two Maltipoos side by side. One Maltipoo is in a winter setting and the other in a summer setting

Proper grooming for your Maltipoo varies with the seasons, addressing the specific needs that come with changing weather conditions. Adjusting your grooming routine accordingly ensures your Maltipoo remains comfortable, healthy, and well-groomed year-round. 

Spring Grooming Tips 

Spring brings new growth, allergens, and an increase in parasites. Adapting your grooming routine helps manage shedding and protects against allergens and pests. 

  • Increase Brushing: As your Maltipoo begins to shed its winter coat, increase brushing frequency to manage loose hair and prevent matting. A slicker brush is ideal for this. 
  • Bathing: A thorough bath can help remove accumulated dirt and allergens. Use hypoallergenic shampoo to soothe any irritation caused by allergens. 
  • Flea and Tick Prevention: Spring marks the start of flea and tick season. Use preventive treatments recommended by your vet and perform regular checks. 
  • Trimming: A trim can help keep your Maltipoo comfortable as the weather warms. Focus on areas like the paws and underbelly that are prone to getting muddy or tangled. 

Summer Grooming Tips 

High temperatures can make your Maltipoo uncomfortable. Proper grooming helps keep your dog cool and reduces the risk of heat-related issues. 

  • Shorter Haircuts: Consider a Summer Cut or Puppy Cut to help your Maltipoo stay cool. Avoid shaving too close to the skin to prevent sunburn. 
  • Frequent Baths: Increase the frequency of baths to keep your dog clean, especially if they spend a lot of time outdoors. Use a gentle, cooling shampoo. 
  • Hydration and Skin Care: Ensure your Maltipoo stays hydrated. Dry skin can indicate dehydration. Use moisturizing conditioners to keep the skin healthy. 
  • Groom During Cool Times: Perform grooming sessions during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, to avoid overheating. 

Fall Grooming Tips 

Fall introduces cooler temperatures and more time outdoors. Adjusting grooming routines prepares your Maltipoo for winter while managing environmental changes. 

  • Maintain Brushing: Continue regular brushing to manage the transition between coats. This helps remove dead hair and reduces matting as the coat thickens. 
  • Clean and Dry: Fall can be wet and muddy. Regular baths are essential but ensure your Maltipoo is thoroughly dried after to prevent dampness-related skin issues. 
  • Debris Check: After walks, check for burrs, leaves, and other debris that can get tangled in your Maltipoo’s coat. Pay special attention to the paws and underbelly. 
  • Flea and Tick Prevention: Continue using flea and tick preventatives and perform regular checks, as these pests can still be active in the fall. 

Winter Grooming Tips 

Cold weather can be harsh on your Maltipoo’s skin and coat. Proper grooming helps maintain warmth and protect against winter conditions. 

  • Longer Coats: Allow the coat to grow longer for added warmth. A well-groomed longer coat provides better insulation. 
  • Moisturize: Winter air can dry out your Maltipoo’s skin. Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners to keep the skin hydrated. Adding a humidifier to your home can also help. 
  • Paw Protection: Snow, ice, and salt can be tough on your dog’s paws. Trim the hair between the paw pads to prevent ice buildup and apply a protective paw balm before walks. 
  • Warm Baths: Bathe your Maltipoo indoors with warm water and dry thoroughly to prevent chills. Ensure they are completely dry before going outside. 

RELATED: 6 Expert Tips on Keeping Your Dog Safe During Heatwaves 

Dealing with Common Maltipoo Grooming Challenges 

 image of a small Maltipoo having its nails trimmed. The Maltipoo has one paw in a person's hand

Maltipoos, with their distinctive coats and sensitive skin, can present several grooming challenges. Here are some common grooming issues and expert tips on handling them. 

Managing Mats and Tangles 

Mats and tangles can cause discomfort and lead to skin irritation or infections if left untreated. 

  • Regular Brushing: Daily brushing helps prevent mats from forming. Use a slicker brush or comb to gently work through any tangles. 
  • Detangling Sprays: Apply a detangling spray to make the process easier and less painful. Work through the tangles with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb. 
  • Professional Help: For severe mats, consider seeking professional grooming assistance. A groomer can safely remove mats without hurting your dog. 

Dealing with Tear Stains 

Tear stains are common in Maltipoos and can cause the fur around the eyes to discolor, potentially leading to irritation. 

  • Daily Cleaning: Wipe the area around the eyes daily with a damp cloth or pet wipe. This helps prevent the buildup of tear stains. 
  • Special Products: Use products designed specifically for tear stain removal. These are available in pet stores and can be effective when used regularly. 
  • Consult a Vet: If tear stains persist, consult your veterinarian. They can check for underlying issues such as blocked tear ducts or allergies. 

Handling Skin Sensitivities 

Maltipoos are prone to skin sensitivities and allergies, which can be exacerbated by grooming products or environmental factors. 

  • Use Hypoallergenic Products: Choose shampoos, conditioners, and grooming sprays that are hypoallergenic and free from harsh chemicals. 
  • Moisturize: Regularly moisturize your dog’s skin with products designed for dogs. This can help prevent dryness and irritation. 
  • Diet and Environment: Consider your dog’s diet and environment. Sometimes, food allergies or environmental factors can contribute to skin issues. Your vet can offer guidance on diet adjustments or allergy treatments. 

Maintaining Dental Hygiene 

Good dental hygiene prevents plaque buildup, gum disease, and bad breath. 

  • Regular Brushing: Brush your Maltipoo’s teeth several times a week using dog-specific toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. 
  • Dental Chews: Provide dental chews and toys that help clean teeth and massage gums. 
  • Professional Cleaning: Schedule regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings with your vet to maintain oral health. 

RELATED: How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth

Nail Trimming 

Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and lead to walking difficulties or paw injuries. 

  • Trim Regularly: Trim your Maltipoo’s nails every few weeks. Use a good quality nail clipper or grinder. 
  • Take it Slow: Trim a small portion at a time to avoid cutting into the quick, which can be painful and cause bleeding. 
  • Styptic Powder: Have styptic powder on hand to quickly stop any bleeding if you accidentally cut too short. 

Coping with Anxiety During Grooming 

Grooming can be stressful for some dogs. Reducing anxiety ensures a smoother, safer grooming session. 

  • Positive Reinforcement: Use treats and praise to reward your dog during and after grooming. 
  • Gradual Introduction: Gradually introduce your Maltipoo to grooming tools and the process. Start with short sessions and build up as they become more comfortable. 
  • Professional Help: For highly anxious dogs, consider seeking a professional groomer who specializes in handling nervous pets. Some groomers offer sedation under veterinary supervision for extreme cases. 

RELATED: Navigating the World of Puppy Teething: A Guide for Owners 


 image of a small and curly Maltipoo that has just been groomed. The dog looks like it is smiling, appearing clean, brushed, and happy

Proper grooming is essential for keeping your Maltipoo healthy, comfortable, and looking their best. Regular brushing, bathing, nail trimming, and ear cleaning are fundamental aspects of a comprehensive grooming routine. Whether you choose to groom your Maltipoo at home or seek professional services, understanding the specific needs of their unique coat and sensitive skin will ensure they receive the best care possible.  

Scroll down to see FAQs about Maltipoo Grooming

Elena R.

About The Author

Elena is a leading expert in the field of dog behavior, care, and training, with over a decade of experience in writing about dogs. As a published writer and lifelong dog enthusiast, Elena currently shares her home with three beloved canine companions. She is dedicated to staying up to date on the latest advancements in dog care and training, ensuring that her articles provide readers with accurate and valuable insights. With her extensive knowledge and passion for all things canine, Elena's contributions to the Premier Pups community offer both expertise and authority on a wide range of dog-related topics.
Elena R. - Author Photo

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Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I groom my Maltipoo? Maltipoos should be groomed every 4-6 weeks to maintain a healthy coat and prevent matting. However, brushing should be done daily to keep their coat free of tangles and debris.

What type of brush should I use for my Maltipoo? The type of brush depends on your Maltipoo’s coat. A slicker brush is ideal for curly, Poodle-like coats, while a pin and bristle brush is better suited for thicker, Maltese-like coats.

How do I clean my Maltipoo’s ears? Use a dog-specific ear cleaning solution and a cotton ball. Gently wipe the inside of the ear without going too deep.

How can I prevent tear stains on my Maltipoo? Clean your Maltipoo’s eyes daily with a damp cloth or canine eye wipes to prevent tear stains. Ensure the area around the eyes is kept dry and consider using products specifically designed to reduce tear staining.

What is the best haircut for a Maltipoo? P Popular haircuts include the Puppy Cut, Teddy Bear Cut, and Summer Cut. The Puppy Cut is easy to maintain and keeps the coat short and manageable. The Teddy Bear Cut leaves the fur slightly longer, giving your dog a fluffy appearance.

How do I bathe my Maltipoo? Use lukewarm water and a hypoallergenic dog shampoo. Rinse thoroughly to remove all shampoo and avoid skin irritation. Towel dry gently and use a blow dryer on a cool setting if necessary. Bathing should be done monthly or as needed.

How do I trim my Maltipoo’s nails? Use dog nail clippers or a nail grinder. Trim a small amount at a time to avoid cutting the quick, which can cause bleeding. If you're unsure, have a professional show you how to do it safely.

Can I groom my Maltipoo at home? Yes, with the right tools and techniques, you can groom your Maltipoo at home. Start with regular brushing, ear cleaning, and nail trimming. For haircuts, use clippers with adjustable blades and be cautious around sensitive areas like the face and paws.

How do I keep my Maltipoo calm during grooming? Create a calm environment with soft lighting and soothing music. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to make the experience enjoyable. Start grooming sessions slowly and gradually increase the duration as your dog becomes more comfortable.

What products should I use for Maltipoo grooming? Use high-quality, dog-specific products like hypoallergenic shampoos, ear cleaning solutions, and dog-safe toothpaste. Invest in good grooming tools, such as slicker brushes, nail clippers, and hair clippers, to ensure effective and safe grooming.