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Breed Insights

6 Fun and Interesting Facts about Dogs

Dogs are magnificent creatures - there is no question about it. We must have done something right because they are nature’s greatest gift to us. Dogs are intelligent, versatile, greatly skilled, fun, passionate, and full of life. They’re our cherished...
A Puppy for your Lifestyle - Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2, we introduced you to 10 breeds that fit perfectly in either a relaxed lifestyle or an active lifestyle. We dedicate Part 3 of Choosing the Best Dog for Your Lifestyle to families with or without children, singles, and retirees who lead balanced...
How to Train a Puppy

“My dog’s not spoiled, I’m just well-trained”  Puppies are goofy and adorable, and they have a great deal of love to give, there is no denying that. Their tiny paws, little tails, button noses, and expressive puppy-dog eyes often translate...
7 Best Apartment Dog Breeds

Choosing the best dog breed for apartment living can be a tricky task. Some dog lovers believe that being small is all it takes for a dog to be suited for apartment life but that is not always the case.   Coming home to a loving bundle of joy is a dream come...