BALI's Details
Age | 1 year, 3 days old |
Birth Date | 2/10/2024 |
Gender | Female |
Puppy Weight | 5lb 2oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 14-22 lbs |
Mom |
Mini Aussie 25.0 lbs |
Dad |
Poodle 11.6 lbs |
Mini Aussiedoodle Insights
Mini Aussiedoodle vs Aussiechon Comparison
The Einstein dog and the canine sweetheart, also known as the Mini Aussiedoodle and the Aussiechon, are by far two of the most exceptional dogs in the designer dog world. They are clever, sweet, playful, sunny, and very affectionate. These lovely pups learn...
Cavapoo vs Mini Aussiedoodle Comparison
At Premier Pups two of our most sought-after small Doodle Breeds are the lovely Cavapoo and the gorgeous Mini Aussiedoodle. If your choice comes down to Cavapoo...
What Are Designer Dogs? Then vs Now
Designer dogs are modern crossbreeds between two or more purebred dogs. They...
Doodle Dogs Explained – Part 2
In Part 1 of Doodle Breeds Explained, we discussed what Doodle Breeds are and why they are as popular as they are. We also answered a few questions about the...