BENNY's Details
Age | 2 years, 8 months old |
Birth Date | 6/29/2022 |
Gender | Male |
Puppy Weight | 10lb 1oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 30-50 lbs |
Mom |
Bernese 79.8 lbs |
Dad |
Poodle 18.0 lbs |
Mini Bernedoodle Insights
Mini Bernedoodle vs Mini Portidoodle Comparison
Mini Labradoodle vs Mini Bernedoodle Comparison
Charming personalities, wonderful set of skills, and incredible looks, all in America’s favorite doodle dogs – meet the Mini Labradoodle and Mini Bernedoodle. These...
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Dogs, the magnificent creatures we call our best friends, fur-babies, and companions, come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big and some are small. Some are giant couch potatoes and others are tiny hyperactive pooches. Some need a truck-sized crate, while others...
Grooming your Dog at Home Guide
Creating good grooming habits and routines for your dog at home is essential for several reasons and you don’t have to be a professional dog groomer to do it right. By doing regular grooming at home, you can help your dog look...