Winter's Details
Age | 3 years, 29 days old |
Birth Date | 2/8/2022 |
Gender | Female |
Puppy Weight | 7lb 5oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 30-50 lbs |
Mom |
Bernese 83.0 lbs |
Dad |
Poodle 9.8 lbs |
Mini Bernedoodle Insights
Mini Goldendoodle vs Mini Bernedoodle Comparison
Mini Bernedoodle vs Mini Sheepadoodle Comparison
20 Best Dogs for Kids
Fun household, joyful companionship, lessons on the art of compassion and responsibility, friendship, and love are just a few of the many wonderful things a dog brings to a family with children. Dogs are remarkable creatures capable of much more than we give...
15 Dogs That Seniors Love
Dogs are a wonderful source of joy and companionship. They provide long years of friendship and love and they come with plenty of health benefits, especially for seniors and retirees. The mere sight of a happy little puppy playing chaotically with its tiny paws...