DREAM's Details
Age | 1 year, 10 months old |
Birth Date | 4/15/2023 |
Gender | Female |
Puppy Weight | 5lb 7oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 16-30 lbs |
Mom |
Mini Bernedoodle 30.0 lbs |
Dad |
Poodle 16.0 lbs |
Customer Feedback
Ella is an amazing puppy. She is so sweet, snuggly, playful, and affectionate. I couldn’t imagine my kids growing up without her to comfort and help them while they are growing up. She loves walking (her and I did a 31 mile walk in march to help a St. Jude’s fundraiser. She plays and snuggles my daughter (8) and son (4). She is always the bright and happy part for each of our days! We couldn’t ask for more!
Mini Bernedoodle Insights
Mini Goldendoodle vs Mini Bernedoodle Comparison
Mini Bernedoodle vs Mini Sheepadoodle Comparison
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