Monroe Bailey Woeppel's Details
Age | 3 years, 1 month old |
Birth Date | 2/19/2022 |
Gender | Female |
Puppy Weight | 3lb 11oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 7-11 lbs |
Mom |
Bichon Frise 10.8 lbs |
Dad |
Poodle 7.6 lbs |
Customer Feedback
Monroe LOVES: Ice, Cheerios, KISSES, my mommy & daddy and my brother. She chases her tail, and plays fetch…..constantly! She has many nicknames….lil’ bit, Ro-Ro, & giraffe.
Adult Weight | 8.5 lbs |
Poochon Insights
Poochon vs Cavachon Comparison
The Poochon and Cavachon are two of our most loved designer breeds. These lovely dogs are adventurous, fun, easy to train, and a wonderful source of joy. They are hypoallergenic and a great fit for allergy sufferers, best friends with kids, and amazing first...
Maltipoo vs Poochon Comparison
Doodle breeds are the stars of the 21st century. These delightful dogs are hypoallergenic, effortless to train, and easy to love. Between the 35+ Doodle breeds that exist today, The...
Doodle Dogs Explained Part 3
In part 1 of Doodle Dogs Explained, we answered a few general questions about doodle breeds – what they’re like, how they are created, and how they...
Comparing Doodle Puppy Breeds: Which One is Right for Your Family?
Welcome to the exciting world of doodle puppies! If you're considering adding a new fur baby family member, you're in for a treat. Doodle puppies are simply amazing. They are friendly, loving, and playful dogs that are perfect for...