If you've recently welcomed a sweet little Cavapoo into your life, congratulations are in order! These little pups are a popular choice for families all over, thanks to their playful personalities and cute looks. But as much as you'll enjoy playing and snuggling with your new fur baby, it's essential that you teach them the ropes of good behavior.
Don't worry, though - we're here to help! In this article, we'll be diving into all things Cavapoo training, offering up tips, tricks, and advice that's sure to make life with your new pup a whole lot easier (and more enjoyable, too!). Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or this is your first go-round with a dog, get ready to learn everything you need to know to raise a well-behaved and happy Cavapoo!
Table of Contents
Getting Started with Cavapoo Training
Congratulations on your new Cavapoo! As the proud owner of a brand-new fur baby, you're probably feeling all sorts of emotions - excitement, joy, and maybe even a little bit of nerves. But don't worry, with the right training, you'll be able to raise a happy and well-behaved pup that will be a beloved member of your family for years and years to come.
One of the most important things you can do when bringing a new puppy into your home is to start training them as soon as possible. Training your Cavapoo can help establish a bond between you and your new best friend, as well as prevent unwanted behaviors and keep your pup, home and family safe.
When it comes to training a Cavapoo, it's important to use positive reinforcement methods. Rewarding cute or good behaviors with treats, toys, belly rubs, and praise can help your pup understand what you want them to do and make the training process more enjoyable for both you and your little fluff ball. And remember, consistency is key! Be sure to set clear boundaries and stick to them, so your pup knows what you expect from them.
Setting clear boundaries also involves establishing rules around things like where your pup can go in certain areas of your home, what they can and cannot chew, and when they're allowed to play versus rest. Doing so can prevent unwanted behavior, keep your home safe and damage-free, and keep your pup happy and healthy.
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Basic Commands to Teach Your Cavapoo
Teaching your Cavapoo basic commands is an essential part of their training. Not only does it help establish a stronger bond between you and your cute friend, but it also helps in keeping them safe and well-behaved in all kinds of situations.
Here are a few basic commands to get started with:
Sit, Stay, and Come
These three commands are the foundation for teaching all the other commands and they’re crucial for your Cavapoo's safety.
"Sit" is a great way to get your pup to calm down and focus. You can teach your pup this command by holding a puppy treat close to their nose and using a hand gesture that mimics pushing them down to the floor. Say the command word “sit” and only offer the treat once they're in the sitting position. A word of advice would be not to repeat the command word too many times. Saying “sit” three times before they accomplish it will likely be how they learn it. When that happens, you’ll find yourself saying “SIT SIT SIT” before your Cavapoo gets the idea.
"Stay" is important for keeping your pup in one place, such as when you're answering the door or when there's a potential danger. There are a few ways to teach your pup this command, some more difficult than others. Most professional trainers advise having your pup in the sit position white holding your palm up in their direction and saying the command word you want to use. At first, you’ll be able to move just a step away from your pup without them following you, and that’s ok. As time goes by, you’ll be able to go a lot further. When you take the step back and your Cavapoo doesn’t flinch, that’s your cue to give them the treat. You can increase the steps you take away from your pup once they get the idea that there’s a treat waiting for them if they sit in place long enough.
"Come" is vital for getting your pup's attention when you need them to return to you, such as when they're off-leash or when you're ready to go home from the dog park. This command is pretty straight-forward. You need to get your pup’s attention and get them to come back to you when you use the recall command word (or words). Once they come when called, you can give them a treat, a smooch on the nose, or a happy petting on the head.
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Down and Roll Over
These two commands are great for teaching your pup to relax and become more comfortable around you.
"Down" is a great way to get your pup to lie down, which can be helpful when you're trying to get them to rest or to stay calm. This command can work hand in hand with the “sit” command. Your pup has to be in the sit position when you start teaching them the “down” command. For this, you want to motion your hand (with a treat in it) from their nose down to the ground. This may take a few tries, but your Cavapoo will get the idea quickly. Remember to not repeat the command word, and only give your pup the treat once their belly is on the floor.
"Roll over" is a fun trick that can be used to entertain your pup or impress your friends and family. You can do this by having your pup in the “down” position and gesturing the treat in your hand to imitate a circle above their head. When you do this, you want to make sure that your puppy’s eyes are on the prize! They will follow your hand motion and roll over effortlessly. It’s all in the hand motion!
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Heel and Walk on a Leash
Teaching your Cavapoo to walk on a leash is an essential part of their training. These two also go hand in hand. To get the greatest start at doing these, you want to make sure your pup becomes familiar with the collar, harness, and leash before they get to wear them. You can leave them around the house, on the floor, and let your pup explore and play with them. Just make sure they’re not chewed! Once your pup becomes comfortable around them, you can have them wear them around the house for a bit until they become comfortable with that part too. Once they seem ok with wearing them, you can move on to practicing the leash walk around the house, and finally move outdoors.
"Heel" is a command that can help your pup to stay by your side and not pull on the leash. This is when your pup is by your side either standing up on sitting down calmly while on the leash. All you need to do for this is reward your cute pup with a treat when they don’t flinch or try to move past your legs.
"Walk on a leash" is important for keeping your pup safe and under control when you're out and about. This is when you teach your pup to walk calmly by your side and not try to run away at the sight of other people or dogs. You can easily achieve this by keeping the leash tight and close to you, and rewarding your pup with treats every few steps. If treats don’t work (this can happen), you can use other things they find motivating. You can try with boiled chicken, vegetables, or their favorite toys.
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House Training Your Cavapoo
House training your Cavapoo is of the first and most essential parts of their training. No one likes cleaning up messes, especially when they're inside the home. However, with a little patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can successfully train your Cavapoo to do their business outside.
Here are some important tips to help you house train your Cavapoo:
Use a crate: Using a crate can help your pup feel secure and safe, as well as prevent accidents. Make sure the crate is just big enough for your pup to stand up and turn around comfortably, but not big enough for them to use one side as a bathroom. Remember not to leave your pup in the crate for too long either, as this will have the opposite effect. Give your pup plenty of time to get accustomed to the crate and take baby steps to teach them that their crate is their own little sanctuary.
Establish a schedule: Try to take your pup outside every few hours and after meals, naps, and playtime. When you take them outside, use a command like "go potty" to help them associate the command with the action.
Reward good behavior: When your pup goes potty outside, be sure to praise them and offer them a treat. This will help them associate going potty outside with good things and encourage them to repeat the behavior in the future.
Handle accidents calmly: Accidents will happen, especially during the early stages of house training. When your pup has an accident inside, clean it up thoroughly to prevent lingering smells, but don't scold your pup. This can make them anxious and confused and can set back your house-training progress.
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Socializing Your Cavapoo
Making sure your Cavapoo is comfortable around people and other animals is a key part of their training. You want your pup to feel confident and happy, no matter where they are or who they're with. To help your Cavapoo become a social butterfly, there are a few things you can try.
First, it's important to introduce your pup to new people and pets slowly and gradually. Start by introducing them to people or animals they're familiar with, then slowly increase the number of new introductions. Pay attention to your pup's behavior, and watch for signs of discomfort or anxiety.
Second, it's a good idea to expose your Cavapoo to new experiences. Taking your pup to new places, like the dog park or a pet store, can help them become more comfortable in different environments and around new people. Plus, it can be a fun way to bond with your little furry best friend!
Finally, when you're out and about with your Cavapoo, make sure they feel safe and happy. Bring plenty of treats and toys to keep them occupied and feeling good and be sure to give them plenty of love and attention.
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Advanced Training Techniques for Your Cavapoo
So, you've got the basics down, and your Cavapoo is now a pro at house training and basic commands. Congratulations! If you're looking for a new challenge to keep things interesting, why not try out some advanced training techniques with your little Cavapoo friend?
There are several fun and challenging techniques you can try with your Cavapoo. For instance, you could start with some simple tricks like "shake" or "play dead" and use positive reinforcement to encourage your pup to perform the trick.
To start with "shake," hold a treat in your hand and wait for your pup to paw at it. When they do, say "shake" and give them the treat. Repeat this a few times until your pup gets the idea. Once they've mastered "shake," you can move on to "play dead" by asking your pup to lie down, then gently rolling them onto their side while saying "play dead." When your pup lies still on their side, give them a treat and lots of praise.
Agility training is another great option if you're looking to challenge your pup both physically and mentally. You can set up an obstacle course in your backyard or at a local park and use treats and praise to motivate your pup to complete the course.
If you're feeling ambitious, competition obedience training could be the way to go. This involves teaching your pup to perform a series of precise commands and movements, often for shows and events.
Just remember, these advanced techniques take time, patience, and consistency to master. If your pup doesn't catch on right away, don't worry! Just keep practicing and remember to use positive reinforcement methods to encourage good behavior.
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Wrapping Up: Final Words of Advice for Training Your Cavapoo
Training your Cavapoo can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for both you and your newest best friend. By following the tips and techniques we've discussed, you can help your pup become a well-behaved, confident, and happy member of your family.
But before we go, here are a few final words of advice to keep in mind as you continue your Cavapoo training journey:
- Be patient: Remember, training takes time and patience. Don't get discouraged if your Cavapoo pup doesn't get it right away - just keep practicing and us positive reinforcement methods to encourage their good behavior.
- Consistency is key: Be consistent with your training and make sure everyone in your household is using the same commands and techniques. This will help your pup understand what you want from them and make the training process more effective.
- Keep it fun: Training shouldn't be a chore for neither you nor your pup. Make sure to incorporate plenty of playtime, toys, and treats into your training sessions to keep things fun and enjoyable.
- Celebrate progress: Remember to celebrate your pup's progress along the way, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool, and celebrating your pup's successes will help them feel good about themselves and be more likely to repeat good behavior in the future.
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Scroll down to see FAQs about training a Cavapoo!
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Frequently Asked Questions
When should I start training my Cavapoo? It's never too early to start training your Cavapoo! Puppies are like sponges, and they're eager to learn from a young age. It's best to start with basic commands like "sit" and "stay" and gradually build up to more advanced training techniques. Just be sure to use positive reinforcement methods and make the training sessions short and fun.
Are Cavapoos hard to house train? Like any breed, some Cavapoos may be harder to house train than others. However, with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can successfully train your Cavapoo to do their business outside. Using a crate and establishing a schedule can be helpful tools in the house training process.
Are Cavapoos good off the leash? It depends on the individual dog. Some Cavapoos may do well off the leash and stick close to their owner, while others may be more easily distracted and run off. It's important to train your Cavapoo to come when called and to use caution when letting them off the leash in an unsecured area.
What is the first command to teach a puppy? The first command to teach a puppy is usually "sit." This is a basic command that is easy for puppies to learn, and it can be built upon with other commands like "stay" and "come." To teach your puppy to sit, hold a treat above their head and say "sit." When they sit, give them the treat and lots of praise.
How smart are Cavapoos? Cavapoos are generally considered to be a smart breed. They're a cross between a Poodle and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, both of which are known for their intelligence. This means that Cavapoos can be quick learners and eager to please, which can make them great candidates for training. However, every dog is unique, and some Cavapoos may be smarter or more stubborn than others.