MORGAN's Details
Age | 8 years, 3 months old |
Birth Date | 8/19/2016 |
Gender | Female |
Puppy Weight | 3lb 11oz (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 8-15 lbs |
Teddy Bear Insights
Malshi vs Shichon - Comparison of the Teddy Bears
The Mal-Shi and Shichon are two very similar breeds with many things in common. Both breeds originated in the United States some 20 to 30 years ago and were designed by professional breeders to be hypoallergenic lapdogs. Both the Mal-Shi and the Shichon share a...
Teddy Bear vs Shih Poo Comparison
Between the Teddy Bear and Shih Poo's temperament, the two are quite similar and equally delightful dog breeds. They are easy-going, gentle, and non-aggressive dogs who get along great with children and other pets. Teddy Bears and Shih Poos are fun-loving dogs...
Hypoallergenic Puppies
Allergies to dogs are a common thing around the world. As of 2021, it’s been reported that up to 20% of the world’s population suffers from pet-related allergies. Allergies to animals, especially to dogs, are triggered when the proteins that are...
Teddy Bear Dogs: Unleash the Cuteness in Your Life Now!
Have you ever seen a dog so cute, so fluffy, and so cuddly that it looks just like a teddy bear? If your answer is yes, then you've probably met a Teddy Bear dog! If not, then get ready to meet your new favorite furry companion.