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Spring Break Sale - Limited Time

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Breed Insights

Grooming your Dog at Home Guide

Creating good grooming habits and routines for your dog at home is essential for several reasons and you don’t have to be a professional dog groomer to do it right. By doing regular grooming at home, you can help your dog look its best between visits to the...
Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Dog

We're counting the days to Christmas and we’re immensely excited anticipating all the happy paws and tail wags that will be happening this Christmas in the homes of our Premier puppies. Wrapping paper will be torn to shreds and toys will be squeaking like...
Big Dogs vs Small Dogs – The Great Debate

Dogs, the magnificent creatures we call our best friends, fur-babies, and companions, come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big and some are small. Some are giant couch potatoes and others are tiny hyperactive pooches. Some need a truck-sized crate, while others...
Love in Time for Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner. It's time to hang the big Christmas socks and stock up on hot cocoa and wine. Bring out the scented candles, the comfy pillows, and the warm puffy blankets, and join in on the wonderful Christmas spirit. Replace your regular...
20 Best Dogs for Kids

Fun household, joyful companionship, lessons on the art of compassion and responsibility, friendship, and love are just a few of the many wonderful things a dog brings to a family with children. Dogs are remarkable creatures capable of much more than we give them...
15 Dogs That Seniors Love

Dogs are a wonderful source of joy and companionship. They provide long years of friendship and love and they come with plenty of health benefits, especially for seniors and retirees. The mere sight of a happy little puppy playing chaotically with its tiny paws...
A Puppy for your Lifestyle - Part 1

There are tons of benefits to owning a dog. A dog encourages you to get out more, helps boost your mood and relieve stress, and you are guaranteed to get lots of cuddles and dog smooches. A dog will fill your home with giggles and laughter and will teach your children...
The Magnificent French Bulldog

French bulldogs are fashionable companion pets, comedic stunt artists, and fabulous babysitters. Some of their hobbies include rolling on Rumbas, napping while standing, and stalking their pet parents. Table of Contents French Bulldog History French Bulldog...
How to Train a Puppy

“My dog’s not spoiled, I’m just well-trained”  Puppies are goofy and adorable, and they have a great deal of love to give, there is no denying that. Their tiny paws, little tails, button noses, and expressive puppy-dog eyes often translate...
7 Best Apartment Dog Breeds

Choosing the best dog breed for apartment living can be a tricky task. Some dog lovers believe that being small is all it takes for a dog to be suited for apartment life but that is not always the case.   Coming home to a loving bundle of joy is a dream come...