BENSON's Details
Age | 8 years, 8 months old |
Birth Date | 6/4/2016 |
Gender | Male |
Puppy Weight | 7lbs (measured at 8 wks) |
Est Adult Weight | 20-25 lbs |
Mini Bernedoodle Insights
Mini Bernedoodle vs Mini Portidoodle Comparison
The Mini Bernedoodle and Mini Portidoodle have an abundance of desirable qualities as well as some differences in personality, looks, and energy levels. Read on to learn more about them and find the puppy breed that fits your lifestyle best.
Mini Labradoodle vs Mini Bernedoodle Comparison
Charming personalities, wonderful set of skills, and incredible looks, all in America’s favorite doodle dogs – meet the Mini Labradoodle and Mini Bernedoodle. These...
What Are Designer Dogs? Then vs Now
Designer dogs are modern crossbreeds between two or more purebred dogs. They...
7 Reasons why you should get a Doodle
Doodles are fantastic companion pets. They are our inspiration, joy, and love. They are the fashion craze of the 21st century, our best friends, and famous...